A step-by-step guide to register and install your LeakBot device.
Setting up your LeakBot using the LeakBot app is a simple process. Scroll down for a step-by-step guide.
Step one – Software requirements to use the LeakBot App:
Note: Please check your phone settings to ensure there are no pending OS updates available and all the software is up to date.
Step two – Download the LeakBot App
To download the LeakBot app:
Step three – Allow location services for the app:
The Mobile OS mandates that location services permission is allowed for the app so that the phone can connect to the LeakBot device’s network in order to complete the installation of the device. This can be turned off once the LeakBot device is connected to your home network.
If this is your first time setting up a LeakBot device, you will receive a request from your phone informing you that the LeakBot app wishes to use your phone’s location services to pinpoint your location.
How to enable location services for the app.
Step four – Create or log in to your account
If this is your first LeakBot product, you will be asked to set up an account.
To set up an account:
If you have already registered with LeakBot before, simply open the LeakBot app and tap on Sign-in.
Step five – Prepare to register your LeakBot device:
Please have the following information ready before you begin the registration of your LeakBot device:
Step six – Connect to your LeakBot device:
Once you have created your user account, the app will show you how to connect to your LeakBot device.
Note: If you created an user account before then sign-in to the app to continue the registration of your device.
Note: LeakBot’s wifi will not have access to the internet & hence your phone may throw a warning that the phone does not have internet & request you to switch to mobile data. Please do not switch to mobile data & stay connected to LeakBot’s wifi.
Trouble connecting to the LeakBot network.
Step seven – Connect your LeakBot to your Wi-Fi
You do not see your home wifi network in this list or the page is blank.
Note: This is your home wifi password which you use for connecting devices to the internet.
Error connecting to your home wi-fi network.
Step eight – Fit your LeakBot:
Once your LeakBot is connected to your home wi-fi network, the app will request you to fit your LeakBot to the internal main water supply pipe by following the onscreen instructions in your app.